That winter wardrobe feel

31 May 2024

That winter wardrobe feel

I’m not much of a clothes shopper; I generally wear black, and I only get out of my jeans and sweatshirts if I really have to. The change in seasonal fashions isn’t something that normally concerns me. This year was a bit different. I’d been on a health kick, lost weight, and needed clothes that fit me. Then I went clothes shopping with my wife, at Albany Mega Centre. The result was an amazing new women’s winter wardrobe that I feel great in.

I’ve always been a bit of a tom-boy, not a pretty dresses and frills type of girl. Since my teenage years, I’ve been a little body-conscious, so I’ve always felt most comfortable in baggy jeans, a loose sweatshirt and sneakers. I’m not a fan of colour and 80% of my wardrobe is black, with the rest grey or dark blue. Luckily my profession as a photographer, means that I can live in my favourite clothes all day – at home and work.

My wife Leah on the other hand, loves to dress up. She looks amazing in bright colours, in flowing dresses and in high heels. I first saw her dancing at a party; her beautiful red dress swirling as if it had been caught by the wind. I was instantly mesmerized. I didn’t think that someone like her would ever be interested in someone like me but a friendship developed. That soon became love and then marriage.

We’ve been married for 10 years now and though each of us has changed, when it comes to clothes we’ve stayed the same. Until a few weeks ago.

It change started mid-last year when some very alarming heart mutters saw the doctor recommend that I lose weight. Leah supported me right from the start, eating healthy with me, and going for a run with me every morning. Eight months on, I‘ve lost 14 kilos, my blood pressure and cholesterol are down, and I feel great. The positive side effects have been lots of extra energy and better sleep. On the negative side, all my clothes are now just falling off me.

A couple of weekends back, Leah said she was heading down to Albany Mega Centre to buy new winter clothes for work and for going out. She suggested I come with her and I reluctantly said yes, knowing I needed new clothes as well.

We started at one of Leah’s favourite stores, North Beach. Leah tried on dress after dress, giving each one either a thumbs up, a ‘not sure’ hand signal or a screwed-up ‘I don’t think so’ facial expression. She held up a black dress that she thought would be perfect for me. Didn’t she know I don’t do dresses? But she was insistent, so I tried it on. As I stood in front of the mirror, I was surprised to see just how good I looked. Who was that in the mirror? I never thought I looked good in anything but at that moment I felt fantastic. To make it even better, Leah was smiling from ear to ear, admiring me in the way that I no doubt did that day I first saw her. Excitedly, I bought my first dress, at age 38!

At Cotton On, I didn’t need Leah’s encouragement any more, though she seemed to have lost interest in her own shopping and just wanted to share my excitement. I tried on a white – yes, white – asymmetric t-shirt which looked great with the jeans I had on. I even purchased an orange cardigan. If some of my friends could see me now, they’d wonder what had happened!

Leah and I went home with our new purchases and tried them on. Leah even pulled out outfits from her wardrobe that went well with my purchases. Before that day, I never understood that clothes are much more about what they make you feel, than what you look like. Thanks to Albany Mega Centre, and my new winter wardrobe, I’m a lady who feels amazing.

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