The winter of wellness

25 July 2024

The winter of wellness

There’s no doubt I’m more of a summer person. Every year the winter gets me down and I make a point of taking the family away somewhere warm and tropical. With Matt’s new job, this wasn’t going to be an option this year, so I made the decision to focus on the family’s wellbeing. It’s been a winter of health, beauty and pampering for me, Matt, the kids and Baxter the dog – thanks to the excellent wellness supplies at Albany Mega Centre.

I’m one of those people who catches colds and flus at the drop of a hat, so winter is a season to be endured, not necessarily enjoyed. Friends go skiing in winter but I couldn’t think of anything worse. We always go somewhere warm instead, usually the Pacific Islands, and occasionally when we are feeling a bit richer, to South Asia or the Caribbean. Even planning for it seems to lift my wellbeing.

Matt started a new job in April and quickly made it clear that taking time off in the next six months wasn’t an option. I considered going on holiday on my own with the kids but felt sickly just thinking about it.

A friend suggested that we have a holiday at home and do all the things we’d do while being away. That led to a new sunbed, now gathering dust in the spare room, and an even better plan to spend the money on things we’d do on holiday.

It started with a ‘preventative’ visit to Chemist Warehouse. The focus was on vitamins and supplements, hot water bottles and other aids that would help keep the winter ills at bay. A week later, my seven-year-old daughter and I revisited Chemist Warehouse for a ‘pamper’ visit. We walked up and down the aisles looking for things like fancy soaps, bubble bath, massage oils, aromatherapy oils, and scented candles. We even bought perfume, since I always buy a bottle of my favourite as I go through Duty Free.

Matt loved the idea and went off to Albany Mega Centre on his own. A few hours later he came back with a new electric bike from Pack & Pedal. Given Matt already has a bike I couldn’t see the holiday connection. Matt reminded me of our last trip to Rarotonga when we had some great days riding to different beaches around the island. I suppose it does support his winter wellbeing, so I’ll let him have that one.

I asked Ardi, our four-year-old son, what holiday treats he wanted and he started the negotiation high, asking for a rollercoaster and a swimming pool. I had to work hard to get that down to a more manageable books and toys. We started at The Baby Factory, coming away with numerous superhero activity books and yet another teddy bear. We finished up, down the road at The Warehouse buying yet more Duplo bricks.

While it didn’t feel like we were on holiday, everyone had something new to help them get through the winter months. That was everyone except Baxter, our boxer. One cold and wet Sunday afternoon, we went as a family – including Baxter – to Animates at Albany Mega Centre. I walked around carrying the basket as the kids and Matt filled it up with chew toys, balls, a pig’s ear, meaty treats and a whole lot more. It was a great family activity that put ‘an almost on holiday’ smile on everyone’s face.

Spring isn’t that far away now and I’m feeling good at having got through winter in good health and in good spirits. Would I spend another winter without a tropical holiday? Probably not, but I would recommend Albany Mega Centre for all those winter wellness needs that are the next best thing to a sun-drenched holiday!

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